3,134 research outputs found


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    In learning the German language, learner learn four language skills that cannot be separated from pronunciation (Aussprache). Aussprache is a part of the field of linguistics, namely phonology and also to speaking skills (Sprechfertigkeit). Pronunciation exercises (Ausspracheübungen) have an important role in the process of teaching the German language. Therefore, Ausspracheübungen was one of the most important components in the preparation of German teaching books. Netzwerk A1 is one of the German textbooks used in high school, in the German language courses and Colleges or Universities in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to describe as well as to receive an overview of material that is available in the teaching book related the category of exercise type and theme of phonetic discussed and also the consistency of the material Aussprache with Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen (GER). The method used in this study is a descriptive analysis. The research data are analyzed based on the theories of Dieling and Hirschfeld (2000) about the category of exercise typology and the phonetic themes. The result showed that in the textbook Netzwerk A1-Kursbuch, which consists of 12 chapters, 10 of 15 phonetic themes according to Dieling and Hirschfeld are found. Based on the analysis, there ist also Dipthong, which is not part of the phonetic themes described by Dieling and Hirschfeld. In addition, the 6 exercise typologies are invented from 12 chapters, which consist of listening exercises and speaking exercises, and are divided into 38 exercises. The scope of the material in the textbook Netzwerk A1-Kursbuch is also suitable with the phonological competences that were found in the Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen (GER). Based on the analysis results, it is recommended that Ausspracheübungen in the course book Netzwerk A1 are used optimally both in class and by learners during independent learning

    日本の大学におけるドイツ語教育 ― 欧州共通参照枠の導入とその意義 ―

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     外国語のヨーロッパ共通参照枠というものは本来、語学学習の促進のため、そしてヨーロッパ国家共同体の圏内に住む人々のコミュニケーションと共生を長期的な規模で容易にするために開発されたものであった。 しかしながら、ヨーロッパ以外の国々においてもこのフレームワークの実際の有意性はますます議論されるようになり、例えば日本では2004年に翻訳されて以来、関心を呼んでいる。日本とヨーロッパでは言語政策上の目標設定はどの程度異なるのか、私は私の論文の第一部で略述したい。 その一方で、外国語授業一般、あるいは特に大学におけるドイツ語の授業に目を向けると、日本でもこの参照枠をより一層考慮した授業を行うことが理にかなっていると思われる。それは、この言語政策ツールには、行動中心のアプローチ、“Can do Statements” や“EuropeanLanguage Portfolio” に例を見るように、外国語教授法の最新のアプローチが多く反映されているからである

    Landeskunde und Interkulturelles Lernen im Fach DaF

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    The mediation of German cultural studies has become a firm component of the foreign language lessons, because without knowledge about the culture of the target language communication cannot succeed. However, the aim of the study of the German cultural study lessons should not be to provide a comprehensive picture for the purposes of the actual study of the culture and geography, but to choose from the contents with the help of which then an intercultural competence can be developed. The concept "German cultural studies" is extended by the component "intercultural", so that now we speak of „German cultural and intercultural studies“. This contribution would like to point out which developments the field „German cultural and intercultural studies“ has taken in Turkey and which role the study of intercultural aspects plays in the German lessons at school and in the teacher advanced training. Furthermore this contribution would like to introduce the teaching draughts which were sketched for the teaching field “German cultural and intercultural studies” in the German teacher training. Moreover, it should be discussed with which subjects and methodical possibilities the learning aim of an intercultural competence can be reached

    Zum Bekanntheitsgrad erwerbsrelevanter Phraseme des Deutschen. Eine Untersuchung bei Germanistik-Studierenden an der Nationalen Kapodistrias-Universität Athen

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    It is a common place in the phraseodidactic research that collocational fluency is a significant factor of language fluency. Nevertheless, formulaic language is not focused systematically in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and in learning materials for German as a foreign language. The lack of transparency and fragmentary treatment of set phrases have a negative impact over the development of collocational fluency.The present paper focuses on the extent that students of German Language and Literature at the National Kapodistrian University of Athens master high-frequency and common set phrases of German based on a questionnaire survey conducted. The results of the survey are discussed in terms of the deficiencies of institutional guidelines and learning materials. In line with this, proposals are formulated for the improvement of the institutional framework and the teaching of set phrases


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    ABSTRACT Khairynanto, Arkan Luqman, 2020. Analysis of Writing Tasks in The Textbook Netzwerk A1. Bandung. A thesis at the German Department. Educational Faculty of Languages and Literature. Indonesia University of Education. German is one of the foreign language that is learned and taught in Indonesia, particularly in some institutions such as school, language school, college and university. There are four aspects that affect German proficiency, they are listening comprehension, speaking comprehension, reading comprehension and writing comprehension. The german learner must have a good proficiency in those four aspects. This study is focusing only on the writing comprehension. In Indonesia, many german learners use the textbook Netzwerk A1, especially the students of the German Major in the Educational University of Indonesia in the first semester. This textbook consists of the course book and the exercise book. In this textbook there are a lot of writing exercises. Yet not every chapter has writing exercise. The purpose of this research is to find out: 1) the suitability of the writing exercises in the text book Netzwerk A1 compares to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and 2) the type of the writing exercise in the textbook Netzwerk A1. The results are as follows: 1) There are 15 writing exercises in the course book Netzwerk A1 and 23 writing exercises in the exercise book Netzwerk A1 and 9 writing exercises in the course book are suitable to level A1, 5 writings exercises to level A2 and one writing excercise to level B1. And in the exercise book Netzwerk A1, 8 writing excercises are suitable for level A1, 12 writing excercises suitable for level A2, 2 writing excercises for level B1 and one writing excercise for level B2. 2) In the course book Netzwerk A1 there are 7 writing excercises that count as Formulieren and 10 writing excercises that count as Planen und Formulieren. In the exercise book Neztwerk A1 there are 13 writings excercises that count as Formulieren and 10 writing excercises that count as Planen und Formulieren. It is highly recommended that a writing task consists of 3 phases of excercise type, which are Planen, Formulieren, and Überarbeiten, so ones writing skill can be effectively supported. That is why teachers need to provide the writing excerscises with 3 excerscise types. Keywords: CEFR, course book Netzwerk A1, exercise book Netzwerk A1, exercise type, writing excercis

    Europäische Union und sprachliche Bildung: Auf der Suche nach einem europäischen Kommunikationsraum

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    Orders and communiqués by the executive body of the European Union consistently treat the generation of "european spaces and areas": the "European economic area" is followed by the "European space for higher education", the "education area", the "European area of lifelong learning", the "research area" and the "European information space". Although all of these spaces are not conceivable without linguistic communication, no one is ever explicitly talking about a "European communication space" - in Europe language issues are a hot potato. Implicitly though, it is of course a matter of a "European communication space", and that to a great extent in European politics of linguistic education. The article documents the history of this EU policy from its beginnings to the new "framework strategy for multilingualism", and contrasts this policy with disillusioning results from research into the actual European multilingualism. Following the attempt to reconstruct the implicit model of a European communication space based on approaches of linguistic varieties it is proposed that the negative results of a multilingualism politicy are directly linked to the non-feasibility of this implicit model

    Sprachliche Ausbildung in binationalen-bilingualen Schulzweigen

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    Mehrsprachigkeit und diversifizierte Fremdsprachenangebote werden in einem Atemzug genannt, wenn es darum geht, junge Menschen auf die sprachlichen Anforderungen in einem zusammenwachsenden Europa vorzubereiten. Es geht dabei nicht allein um das Erlernen des Englischen als weltweite 'lingua franca', sondern im Sinne europäischer Sprachenvielfalt, um Anreize für das Erlernen der Nachbarsprachen in Grenzregionen. Eine Besonderheit stellen in diesem Kontext Schulen dar, die unterschiedliche Nationalitäten einbinden. Dazu zählen Gymnasien mit bilingualen-binationalen Zweigen. Der deutsch-tschechische Bildungsgang am Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium Pirna, 30 km von der tschechischen Grenze entfernt, existiert bereits über 10 Jahre. Der folgende Beitrag möchte der Frage nachgehen, wie die Schüler auf die Teilnahme am bilingualen Sachfachunterricht vorbereitet werden und dazu auf Punkte zur Entwicklung einer Didaktik des bilingualen Unterrichts eingehen

    Europäischer Referenzrahmen für Chinesisch als Fremdsprache

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    Ergebnisse des von der Europäischen Kommission geförderten europaweiten Projekts "European Benchmarks for the Chinese Language (EBCL)": Can-Do- Deskriptoren und Aufgabenbeispiele, Themen-, Wort- und Zeichenlisten zu den Niveaustufen A1-A2 für Chinesisch als Fremdsprache.Results of the project "European Benchmarks for the Chinese Language (EBCL)" that was initiated and financed by the European Commission: Can-Do- Descriptors, Task examples, topic lists, word and character lists for the levels A1 and A2 for Chinese as a foreign language.Englisch - Deutsche Ausg. des Projekt

    Avrupa Birliği Yolunda Türkiye’nin Yabancı Dil Politikası

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    Son yıllarda Avrupa’daki toplumsal ve siyasal gelişmeler her alanda olduğu gibi eğitim alanında da köklü değişimleri beraberinde getirmiştir. Avrupa Birliğindeki bu gelişmeler, aynı zamanda birden çok yabancı dil öğrenme gereksiniminin artmasına da yol açmıştır. Böylece, yabancı dil öğretimi ve izlenecek yabancı dil politikası gittikçe önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Bu bağlamda Avrupa Konseyi, yabancı dil öğretiminin daha etkin ve verimli olmasını sağlayacak yeni düzenlemeler yapmayı öncelikli görevleri arasına almıştır. Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinde dil ve kültür çeşitliliği korunması ve geliştirilmesi gereken bir zenginlik olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu düşünceye uygun olarak tüm Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinde “Avrupa Konseyi Yabancı Diller Eğitimi Ortak Kriterleri” çerçevesinde yabancı dil eğitim-öğretim izlencelerinin oluşturulmasına, ders araç-gereçleri geliştirilmesine, aynı zamanda bireylerin yabancı dil düzeylerinin saptanması ve belgelendirilmesinde ortak ölçütlerin belirlenmesine ve böylece bireylerde yaşam boyu yabancı dil öğrenme bilinci oluşturmaya çalışılmaktadır. Ne var ki, bu durum Avrupa Birliğine aday ülkeler arasında yer alan ülkemiz için geçerli değildir. Oysa, Avrupa Birliğine tam üyelik sürecinde değişen koşullarına uygun olarak yabancı dil eğitim politikamızın yeniden gözden geçirilmesi ve “Avrupa Konseyi Yabancı Diller Ortak Kriterleri”ne uygun izlencelerin geliştirilmesi kaçınılmaz görünmektedir. Bu bağlamda, ülkemizde yabancı dil olarak tek bir dilin egemenliğine dayalı yabancı dil öğretimi yerine, öğretim programlarında farklı dil seçeneklerine yer verilerek, her yaş grubuna ve toplumun her kesimine uygun programlarla yabancı dil öğretimi yaygınlaştırılmalı ve buna uygun yabancı dil politikaları geliştirilmelidir.Die gesellschaftlichen und politischen Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre in Europa haben unter anderem auch im Bildungsbereich wesentliche Veränderungen mit sich gebracht. Diese Entwicklungen innerhalb der Europäischen Union haben gleichzeitig zu einem Bedarf am Erlernen einer Fremdsprache oder mehrerer Fremdsprachen geführt und somit gewinnen der Fremdsprachenunterricht und demzufolge auch die Fremdsprachenpolitik immer mehr an Bedeutung. In diesem Zusammenhang erscheint das Bemühen um die Ausgestaltung und effizientere Koordination des schulischen Fremdsprachenunterrichts als eine vordringliche sprachenpolitische Aufgabe im Europarat. Es wird immer darauf hingewiesen, dass die sprachliche und kulturelle Vielfalt in den EU-Ländern ein Reichtum ist, den es zu unterstützen und zu entwickeln gilt. Dementsprechend streben alle EU-Länder danach, die Entwicklung der fremdsprachlichen Lehrpläne, der Lehrmaterialien und der Test- und Prüfungsverfahren, die Einstufung und Zertifizierung der Kompetenzniveaus von Lernenden mit Hilfe des „Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen“ zu vereinheitlichen und gleichzeitig ein Bewusstsein für die Notwendigkeit von einem lebenslangen Fremdsprachenerwerb zu initiieren. Doch leider gilt das für die Türkei als EU-Kandidaten noch nicht. Deshalb ist es unumgänglich, die Fremdsprachenpolitik, gerade weil wir uns auf dem Weg in die EU befinden, in Bezug auf die veränderten Bedingungen zu überprüfen, und den Fremdsprachenunterricht im türkischen Bildungssystem an den „Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen“ zu adaptieren sowie gemäß dessen Kriterien neu zu gestalten. Daraus ergibt sich, dass es nicht nur die Dominanz einer einzigen Fremdsprache geben darf, sondern dass man diverse Fremdsprachen in die Schulprogramme aufnehmen muss. Darüber hinaus müssen diese Programme auf alle Altersgruppen aus verschiedenen Gesellschaftsschichten ausgedehnt werden. Unter Berücksichtigung all dieser oben genannten Punkte muss man eine erfolgreiche Fremdsprachenpolitik entwickeln